Just An Update…..

Goodness, it’s been quite a couple of weeks around our household! Last week was our church’s one day vacation Bible school. That was a very long day but the kids had so much fun. When we got home, my husband’s mom came over to enjoy his birthday cake with us.

It looks pitiful, but this was a homemade German choclate cake. I just used my depression era cake recipe then used my aunt’a German chocolate icing recipe. I didn’t have pecans, but I did have walnuts. I toasted those in the oven and chopped them fine in the food processor. It really turned out good. My cakes always look messy but they usually taste okay.

My other adventure last week was sewing me a new Sunday dress. Now that my skills are slowly starting to improve, I decided to take some of the high quality material and lace I had been given and cut me out a dress. I was terrified it wouldn’t turn out. All I had was white thread, so I did the bottom pintucks by hand as well as the understitching because I didn’t want any of this to be seen.

I love the lace inset and the ruffled sleeves. This is the fanciest dress I have ever worn in my adult life and I absolutely love it. It’s so me! I even have the chemise and stays in under the dress which really helped the fit be the way it should.

I also made me a new everyday dress out of an old cotton sheet. It turned out well. I made the bottonholes by hand but since it had white in the pink floral design, I machine stitched the hem and it looks great.

This week my oldest daughter had surgery. She came through with flying colors and is healing well. We praise God for her great doctor and his skill in being able to repair this kidney reflux she has dealt with for her whole 8 years. I just wish we had caught it sooner but God has a plan and it all seems to be working out. He is always in control even when we doubt or get scared or overehelmed. Those two nights away from my youngest two were awful because I had never been away from them that long. Their grandparents enjoyed them and they enjoyed the attention of the grandparents so that all worked out as well.

My garden has kind of fizzled out with the extreme heat we have had but my mint plant has thrived. I chopped the bed yesterday and picked only a small portion of it to encourage it’s growth and to have some to dry.

With all that’s been going on, we have taken a break from working on the floors but hopefully we can finish those soon.

Well everyone is up here so it’s off to start the day. May you all have a blessed day.

3 thoughts on “Just An Update…..

  1. Karla August 22, 2020 / 10:51 am

    Wow! What a beautiful dress, no easy undertaking, and it looks absolutely lovely. Am so glad your daughter is recovery from her surgery, that is a traumatic experience for your entire family. Take time to rest and recuperate, the tasks will get accomplished and the chores will be completed, but remembering the blessings and grace from God every day, that should be at the top of our “daily to do list”… I, for one, am guilty of not always prioritizing my day to put God first. I have learned by doing so, my days are more smooth, peaceful, and comforting, no matter what trials and pitfalls arise. Time to go and get my “Daily To Do List” in Order!! Have a blessed day dear lady, so happy all is going well for your and your family. Karla


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